OK, maybe I am giving myself a lot of credit and maybe not a person came up with a story - if it were me, I sure would come up with one, because it is fun.
Oh the stories we come up with. I love coming up with a good story in my head. I come up with them all the time. Sometimes, they are even "true" stories.
The story I am about to tell you is actually a true story and not embellished at all, mostly.
A year ago now, life was really weird.
A year ago now, I was a different person in a similar body.
A year ago now, I never could have ever imagined, I would be where I am now.

Now, let's forget about that past and come to present day. Today, I am moving into a wonderful home. I am still working my day job, the one where I tell techies what to do, that I love and plan on getting paid a lot more (my boss doesn't know it yet, but has a sneaking suspicion).
I also have an LLC. Yup, I am an adult with an LLC. Who knew?! My LLC was even in the paper (yes, I paid for it and had to publish it, but still so cool)...
On top of being an LLC owner, I am also the proud owner of a company that I created and have just launched called Taste Santa Barbara Food Tours.
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TasteSantaBarbaraFoodTours.com |
Check out the website - TasteSantaBarbaraFoodTours.com, after you read this please or go now, but come back :)
With a lot of encouragement and a little (lot) of help from my friends and family, I am a proud owner of a walking food tour. Yup, it is true.
I realize at this moment, you are probably saying something "wow, that is awesome. What the heck is a walking food tour?!"
Let's think about this, though. A walking food tour - is a tour, kind of like a wine tour, but with more food - a little history, a little culture, a lot of fun and food (and wine) and moi.
Why did I do this? I did this because I love food and I love talking and I love Santa Barbara.
When the idea was first presented to me, I thought, cool idea, not for me and blew it off - that was over a year ago now. A whole lotta change and only a few months later, I started to realize how many people would come to me to talk food - what restaurant should I try? what should I eat? And all of a sudden, I thought - and I wouldn't do this? Why? Seems like a given.
I also started to become extremely aware of how much people got into eating out ruts, I was even guilty of it. Same places, same dishes, kinda boring. So, I thought, holy cow! I can help people explore new and old places and awesome food and give people some cool info about SB and and and and and and I may be taking over the world, seriously.
So folks, that is where I have been...creating a walking food tour.
We are all over the social media world - so don't forget to like us and share us - website, facebook, everything and anything - let's do this.
Facebook - TasteSantaBarbaraFoodTours on The Facebook!
Instagram - @TasteSantaBarbaraFoodTours
Twitter - https://twitter.com/TasteSBFT
Pinterest - http://www.pinterest.com/tastesbft/
Google+ - https://plus.google.com/u/1/115960797450264178041
I am even on tripadvisor and yelp. Can you say big pimpin?!
Tripadvisor - Taste Santa Barbara Food Tours on TRIPADVISOR
Yelp Me
Oh and an top of all of this - if you are a restaurant or foodie place, I can help with you some ad space - I will be writing more on this later.
Also, start looking for my restaurant reviews - because that is happening!
Just call me Restaurant Chick SB.
Until later - Peace out and don't forget to be...happy!