I want to take a minute to welcome you, it's so good to finally meet you. I am so thrilled that you have finally made it here. I am glad you aren't a stupid year, that has a day, rather one second, rather one second, twice really, that has all of the same numbers like 12.12.12 and 12 seconds - only happens once they say, well actually twice right? - and tell me, you sayers - what happens at that exact second? Anything? Because I will tell you what at 12.12.12 with 12 seconds, I felt nothing, both times, I was extrememly let down. I was all geared up for something huge to happen and what do you know, I blinked and the second was over - that was it, nothing happened. WTF?! Way to let me (us?) down 12.12.12 and 12 seconds, pfff, what a crock. How could you do that to us? I mean really?!***
You know 2013, you are on quite the pedestal - like every new year, everyone says that things are going to be better and you hold the promise of big change and each new year, especially the beginning of the year is made out to be a really big deal. Do you think you can live up to all the hype for you 2013???
Personally, I am very pleased that you are here, I've been looking forward to you for years and years and preparing for you since like Septemeber 2012 - I figured I'd get a jump start on an awesome year.
I am very pleased that you are here and we've finally had the honor to meet. I've known deep in my gut of guts that you were going to be an awesome year, not to put you down, but I think every year proceeding you is going to be awesome, mostly because you are setting the stage for the awesomeness. Yes, 2013, you are wonderful and I am pleased to have the honor of being alive when you are upon us.
As for the bitches who give up on you and can't wait for the next year to come, don't take it personally, it's human nature. I think people tend to dream big, but don't take the "scary" or "uncomfortable" steps required to change to move past what you think you are capable of and move into the awesomeness (for lack of a better word) of what you know, deep down inside of you that you can achieve and are really capable of.
I hope that everyone can realize how amazing 2013 is and take the bull by the horns and step up to be all that you know and desire to be, because you can, nothing, except maybe you and that stupid little evil voice(s) in your head are stopping you. I am here to tell you, you can do it. You are probably asking, who are you exactly? I'll tell ya, I'm just a girl - a happy girl, reassuring you that you really can do it - take it or leave it, but I hope you at least step away with something, maybe a smile or a giggle or something more? Anything is possible, don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
***I'll be honest about 12.12.12 and 12 seconds - I actually thought that was pretty cool, but it sounded better to vent about nothing happened because nothing really did happen. Regardless, of my experience, I got a kick out of all the numbers matching, but I like silly things like that, I also love sparkles - bet y'all didn't know either little fact about me?! Haha. Gotta keep ya on your toes!
****My obligatory NeriumAd plug - If I didn;t include this, I would really be doing a diservice :)
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