After months and months of being harassed by a couple of my male friends, I finally downloaded the most addictive, stupidest, battery and time killinh app ever, Tinder to my iPhone.

Isn't this just another version of "hot or not"? (Actually, after not much research, I am now questioning what the difference is between the two apps? Hot or Not you can access from your computer, but is that the only difference? I don't know, I am not in the mood to find out.)
Anyway, after being argued with over and over again, whether or not this Tinder is indeed a dating app or a game or just a time suck, I guess I have to agree to some degree, it is indeed another dating app. Really, it's, let's cut the shit, judge me and let me judge you bases on your pictures.
Riddle me this, is there proper Tinder etiquette?
I like you -- heart or swipe right.
I don't like you - x or swipe left.
What is the proper etiquette when you run across someone you know?

There is no where to hide, plane as day, there you are. For me, I usually swipe right, why would I not? If you know me and do not swipe right or heart me, you will hear about it.
I am pretty sure most people do not play the game the way I do, but I dunno and I am a self admitted weirdo, so there.

So, like I said, I view the app as a game and I am apparently I am the only person in the world who views this silly little app this way (yes, I have spoken to everyone in the world and have hard data, I am indeed the only one who feels this way). But this comes as no surprise, I pretty much try to play life as a game, it is much more fun that way. I think most things should be turned into some version of a game, just to make it more fun. Who doesn't want to enjoy what they are doing? I sure as shit do.
If you have plenty of time to waste and are easily amused and have a good phone battery, I would suggest checking it out. If you have none of those things, than do not. Tinder on bitches. Tinder on.
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