I keep forgetting I am at the baby making age...in fact when I hang out with any kids, people tend to think they are mine, so I just go with it...it is starting to get to that point where people are asking if I have kids and suggesting I do so...a guy the other day told me I should because I have good looking genes...I didn't know that that was a good enough reason to procreate....
I am so immature that when I see pregnant women, the first thing that goes through my head is "she had sex." and then I giggle.
I see so many of these breeders on a daily basis, I have actually started counting how many I see at any given place. I should start counting how many pregnant ladies I see in a day. The other day, I was at TJ's and the pregnant lady count was 5. 5. This might not sound like a lot, but I was there for like 15 minutes. The .5
is the woman I saw with a new born.
Some might think that my fascination with pregnant women, their bodies,

Do not get me wrong, I love kids and am totally fascinated by the fact that sex can lead to babies, your boobs swell, your body swells, you hopefully shit it out of your vagina and then your boobs become utters and all of a sudden, you are hopefully responsible for this little life. This is all wild to me. Part of me wants to try it out, because I can. My hips don't lie, my body was clearly made for this.
I definitely get nervous when I hear women say that their children ruined their bodies. I have a hard enough time keeping my bod in check without sending a little body wrecking alien through it. Then I hear others say that theirs were not ruined at all and they just loved being pregnant. I don't know what to think or believe. I am going to go with the non ruining body part because it makes me feel better and that's just what it will be for me, if I procreate.
Let's take this a step further, I don't think I am ready, but is anyone really ready for any of it? If you wait for the right timing, then you will be waiting forever won't you?
I wasn't always like this. For years I thought I would get married and have babies and live the "american dream" and then I started to question that dream...is it even my dream? Whose dream is it? Can I edit that dream into the dream I want it to be? Why not? Oh my ex said I couldn't and look where it got him...actually, I'm not really clear on where it got him.
As I said before and as most of you know, I love me some kids and am fascinated with pregnancy and all that, but I also love to give kids back.
A wise woman once told me that if you have never felt the love you have for your kids, you will never know that feeling and if you don't know what you are missing, than you are ok or something smart like that. She has two kids and is my new favorite person. I am not saying I won't reproduce, the hippy in me is not opposed to the whole baby making, baby coming out, breast feeding thing and is kind of into.