Relationship Marketing. Shared Marketing. Pyramid Schemes. Call it what you want. Let's talk about it. First and foremost, they aren't really pyramids anymore, pyramids would infer that there is an end, a bottom, with the way a lot of them are set-up now, there really is no bottom, at least not with Nerium International, it helps that it is like a billion dollar company that's barely 18 months old, only in the US right now, there is only room for potential, lots of potential!
I was always skeptical, never really wanted to get involved, although I won't lie, I always had that little dream in my head that if i did indeed get involved wiht one of these companies, make billions of dollars and the whole company would love's like that same little day dream I have every time I enter a raffle or play slots (although, last time I played slots, I was given $20 and ended up with $40 something) clearly, the dream is attainable.
I know it all sounds kinda hokey and far fetched, but I will tell you what, with a little perseverance and a lot of happiness, anything is possible. Who doesn't want to help people feel better about themselves, make money and be happy? That's pretty much all I want and to save the blonde dogs of the world and paint and be able to put my unborn kids through school and take care of my family and and and...the list of things I am doing goes on and on and NeriumInternational is helping make that possible.
The beauty of it all is that you decide how much time you put into this business. Whether you are in the business or just using the product, it's easy to get the product for free. It's easy to tell people about it. It's easy to listen to phone calls. It's easy to wash your face at night and put some cream on. It's easy to make a lot of money. There is nothing painful about it. And you get walked through it.
So, whether you want to make some $ or look better or both. Let me know, let's discuss and I'll help change your life forever.
This is just a day in the life of my brain. Most of the entries are 100% true, but be forewarned that the thoughts are only mine and there are 3 sides to every story. There are probably some spelling errors or something in there. Also, anything having to do with bathrooms and food are 500, million % true, I would never exaggerate about a bathroom or food, ever. Speaking of bathrooms and food, check out the newest and coolest endevor:
Very Important Disclaimers:
1. I have a very active imagination and while most of these stories are mostly true, some of them have some exaggerations and are also only from my perspective, as well all know there are three sides to every story.
2. If you think this is about you, it's not.
3. If you are easily offended, you probably shouldn't read this blog. Go away, get out while you can!
4. If you like being offended or laughing out loud at the random shit that happens to me in my daily life, please proceed.
5. Do NOT forget to laugh, but only when appropriate. Try not to laugh too hard at my pain, or do, whatever.
6. I hate even numbers
7. I update the blog posts often, so even if you have read one once, it has probably changed a bit.
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