Have you ever had someone in your life that makes you feel like you are absolutely nuts? No matter what you do or say, it is wrong and they have a long winded reason as to why. In your gut you know something is not right, but you hear that you are wrong enough times you begin to almost believe it and doubt yourself.

It happens to the best of us.The smartest, the prettiest, the kindest.
We want to believe that people are good hearted and well intentioned. But are they? Are they really that great or do we just want to believe that because in some way our association with them is a reflection of us? Or do we just try to convince ourselves of that?

Are these people so broken with hurt and sadness that they just wan't to control you and lie and make you feel nuts, build you up to knock you down because that's all they can do to keep going?
They tell you they are so good for you, even though they don't listen to your needs and wants, because it really has nothing to do with you. You want to help them, save them, comfort them, but no matter what, it is never enough, ever.

Does this behavior make them bad people?

They feel so bad, they want to fill this hole that just can't be filled. They seek god for a second, they drink too much and pop pills and fill various girls "holes" and nothing seems to work. Somehow they have decided it is all your fault, you did made them do this and for a moment they may find some relief, but it doesn't last.
If they feel threatened at all and convince themselves that you might hurt them or did hurt them (because of course you did, because it is your fault...always). They vow they will get you back 10 fold. They know how to hit you when you are down. They know how to hit you when you are up. They want it to be all your fault and convince themselves that it really is your fault. Everything is your fault, you did this.
We have all heard that the things that people accuse us are what they are doing themselves or don't like about themselves. We don't want to believe, but we know it's true. We also don't want to deal with it because the backlash from that person is so intense and exhausting. So, we once again just give in.
After living through this and not telling anyone what was going on, ever, the best thing you can do, is walk away. Even if it breaks your heart and you have to leave things behind.
People are strange, they act and say and do weird things, men, women, everyone. We know maybe we should not be involved with someone, but we do it anyway. They say what we want to hear and they are good looking and they paint a wonderful picture, but it all fades and then you are left with a whole lot of shit.
You feel guilty, you feel hurt, you don't know what to do or why you feel this way. It's too bad we don't stick together more from the beginning. That it takes hurt to form an alliance.

Never let anyone make you doubt yourself.
Go with your gut.
And then steal your dog and trash cans back.