I've been mulling over the things that might make me weird compared to the next person's weird and of course, there are a handful of things that might make me weirder than you. One of these things might just be the soft spot in my heart for pedicab drivers.
It's not that I'm in love with them or anything or quickly swoon when I am told someone drives a pedicab, but I do love the idea of them. When examining this "love" closer, I realize it is probably due to the sweet nostalgia of my old Austin life that it brings to me and kinda warms my heart and puts a little smile on my face.
I forgot about this funny attraction for a long time, but recently, as the pedicab business has been getting more abundant in this small city of ours, my affinity for them has come rushing back to me. Sweet and not so sweet memories of Austin flood into my whole body, reminding me of many a night spent on a Pedicab and/or hanging with pedi-cabbers. I don't know about now, but it was a raging business a few years ago and I can only imagine it has gotten bigger and bigger.
I remember when I first saw a pedicab on the west coast, it was years ago on Catalina (there is one pedicab driver and I have no attraction to him what-so-ever, regardless, the nostalgia came back to me). My heart even did a special little pittter patter for it. I am not saying that I want every pedicab driver, that is not it at all, I guess it is more the act of pedi cabbing that I am attracted to for some reason. I can't pin point it exactly, but it is there.
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