Most of the time on the treadmill, I am doing running intervals. I can often be found lip syncing the words of whatever music I am listening to. More often than not, I like to imagine people around me thinking it is cute that I do this, but

I then wonder how people would react if I just belt out the words of the song I am listening to. Let's keep in mind that I have an awful voice when I can hear, so it is probably that much more awful when I have headphones on and music blasting into my ears.
I like to think people would be amused by my singing aloud on the treadmill and think it cute. But in real life they would probably think I was crazy, I hope they would laugh though. I laugh when I hear people sing aloud. I also think that they must be a little crazy and probably slightly mentally unstable or drunk, but I still giggle. OK, so I might find the act slightly cuter than others.
I also wonder how people would react if I broke out into a silly dance on the treadmill.
Like this dude (please view later).

I also wonder what would happen if I just ate shit on the treadmill, like this lazy bitch.
Would people laugh or come to my aid or both and in what order?
If I saw someone eat shit, anywhere, I would do both and I can't dictate the order of which I would do these things because I think it would depend on so many things. Then again my reaction to most things uncomfortable is to laugh, yeah, I know, so normal.

One instance of the momentary head anger is: I see a girl and convince myself that she is probably dating my ex and then I create an entire relationship they are having with each other, yes, all in my head, yes, I do recognize that is weird, but it happens.
I am then so sure she knows who I am and I don't know who she is and god knows what lies (and truths) he has told her (I hate not know things). So naturally, she is texting him that I've been spotted and well, that's kind of it, but it fires me up more and then I run even harder because of course I then get sad because I think of my puppy and miss him.
And then (no and then) I get angry again because I naturally start to think of other people who I associate with that situation and decide to mentally and momentarily hate them too, so then, I run even faster. I am going so fast, that I am sure to fall, so I giggle a little, then I remind myself that it's not their fault.

And then I think even crazier thought, which I won't get into, but then I run even harder because I am so angry, in my head.

And then I again imagine me eating shit on the stupid treadmill and giggle, sometimes out loud, which if course makes me giggle even more and then by now I am done and feel wonderful.
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