Top 10 ReasonsWazowski Rocks (Today)
1. He is chilling on my bed, with his head on the pillow
2. He isn't too cuddly and he isn't too cold
3. He likes to clean himself and everyone around him, especially if it involved reminiscence of food and/or lotion
4. He makes you feel so special when he gently rests his head on one of your body parts, usually a leg
5. He pees outside
6. He has his own personality
7. He is a man trapped in a handsome dog bod
8. He eats what I give him (and sometimes what I don't give him)
9. He has telepathic powers and tells other animals what to do and they listen
10. He's the dude
Top 10 Reasons, Atticus is so Awesome (Today)...
2. He is so damn cute
3. He has the beast breath, I want to package it and call it Atty Breath - don't steal my idea
4. He has yet to eat a small child (coming close does not count)
5. I am fairly certain he constantly has the fair theme song going on in his head at all times
6. He listens to Wazwsoki's psychic powers
7. He is a love muffin
8. He loves me
9. He is tenacious, bless his heart, he doesn't really know how to play with other dogs (we can thank Wazowski for that) but he still tries
10. He loves girl dogs of all shapes and sizes, he recognizes that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes
Top 5 Reasons They Are "Special" Today
1. They are shedding on my bed
2. They actually think they could beat the cat in a fight
3. They are not sure if small children are children or animals
4. Atticus likes to sunbathe in a waterless kiddy pool and bark
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