
Very Important Disclaimers:
1. I have a very active imagination and while most of these stories are mostly true, some of them have some exaggerations and are also only from my perspective, as well all know there are three sides to every story.
2. If you think this is about you, it's not.
3. If you are easily offended, you probably shouldn't read this blog. Go away, get out while you can!
4. If you like being offended or laughing out loud at the random shit that happens to me in my daily life, please proceed.
5. Do NOT forget to laugh, but only when appropriate. Try not to laugh too hard at my pain, or do, whatever.
6. I hate even numbers
7. I update the blog posts often, so even if you have read one once, it has probably changed a bit.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

General People Watching...

People watching is one of my fave past times. I love to watch how people interact with one another, I also really love to come up with stories for people. A guy and a girl holding hands or better yet kissing they probably  a new couple and still like each other. Let's talk about old people holding hands or better yet kissing!

I have two thoughts on this one. The romantic in me (Yes, I do have a romantic side) wants them to have been together forever and happy! Then there is the more omni present realist or cynic in me, that wonders how long have they been together OR are they even legitimately together? Are they cheating on their spouses, because they are old and boring? So many possibilities! Then of course, I have to take it a step further (me take something a step further? what?! what?!) this couple may even be doing it, that's right, putting the "p" in the "v". Yup, I totally just gave you that visual. You're welcome

How about the tired, frustrated and embarrassed mom, with the screaming child. The mom is trying everything in her power to get the child to calm, but it* just won't, then child does something that mom tells it not to do and child gets a slight tap on the tush, which then makes child scream bloody murder.

Generally, we or I think mom is the bad guy. I used to think this way, my thoughts have since changed on this topic. Is it really the mom's fault? This child is clearly using its manipulation skills and adorable face to make you feel sorry for it.

Mom, I want to give it up to you and buy you a drink sister. You carried that alien child in you for 9 months (or however long it really is) and probably pushed it out of your vagina and if you didn't, then you got a nice scar to remind you that you held that child in and now you are rearing that baby. You are amazing, congrats on keeping it alive. *Yeah, I called the child an it, I couldn't decide if I wanted the child to be a boy or a girl, so it's an it!

Everywhere I am, I just like to sit and watch and come up with stories about people. Occasionally, I will be close enough to these people, proximity wise, grow some balls (not that I don't already have them, but that those two words, totally just made the story better) and strike up a convo with the people, it is so much fun to see how much of my made up story is actually true.

Every so often I encounter someone who make me feel a little stupid. Like "duh" stupid. There are two types of people who can do this to me.

1. People who are really, really dense, funny enough, I have found that they are usually pot heads. It's the strangest, I just start to feel spaces out and it's very difficult for me to carry on a convo with them. I can still do it, but I feel off.

2. The really, really, really ridiculously good looking people. To be honest, I'm not sure there are that many of those around, I mean from afar or a quick glance there are a ton of hotties, but then look a little closer, study them and you are bound to find a few flaws that make them more normal look. And to be perfectly honestly, I probably wouldn't want to have a convo with them. What if they have a really high voice? Or are really, really stupid? The possibilities of issues that could be encountered are endless. It's also totally fun to just sit there, make up stories about them in your head and and let them be pretty. Only you and your mind know what's going on. It's our little secret.

So, there is this dude who owns a restaurant or two in town (yes, there are more than one of those in these parts) and he shall remain nameless forever (some of you totally know who I speak of) and I swear to god, every single time I get within 10 feet of him, I get stupid. I don't even have to be looking at him and I can feel that damn energy. I', actually unsure if he is even that great looking, I hear he is straight, but I have my doubts. Regardless, I get straight dumb. I have literally run into him 100 times and I still can't get a good convo going with him, even when I was drunk once I couldn't get it or keep it going (I don't actually remember). Now that I think about it more, maybe it's not even me and it's him and he IS totally intimidated by my good looks or maybe he is gay or maybe he can't keep a convo going. Regardless, it is kind of fun to get stupid around people, reminds me of, well, I don't know what it reminds me, but something I am sure.

And that pretty much wraps up today's thoughts on people watching.
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter, maybe I will start Tweeting.
And if you want awesome, younger looking skin, do yourself a favor and get some Nerium dudes and dudetters. www.schoolnik.nerium.com
Peace and love. Happy Saturday!

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