I'm wild for Missed Connections. So amusing. I especially love the man to man ones, they are so dirty and usually have to do with sex in the bathroom gym or glory holes (I'm not even sure what that is. CORRECTION, my mom was nice enough to inform me about Glory Holes, please see * below for her comments on the Glory Holes). Reading those makes me so grateful to not have to go into a dude bathroom especially at the gym, some dirty shit goes on there and if I'm saying it's dirty, you know it is capital D-irty.
Way dirtier than than picture --->
I secretly or not so secretly always hope that someone will write one just for me. And has never done anything in their life like it before, but had to take a chance and leave it up to fate that we would connect.
The extended version of the romantic day dream I have goes like this:
Someone awesome, not creepy, sees me from a distance and can't get over to me for some reason and by the time he can, I have vanished. He can't stop thinking about me, so on the far off (or not so far off chance) writes me a Missed Connection, hoping I will see it. I, of course, do see it and I know exactly who it is and of course we connect. Then we will probably fall madly in love, I will be asked to marry him (in some big elaborate and awesome gesture), get a big beautiful, sparkly diamond and we will probably have the best marriage ever and live happy every after, because we all know that happens.
On second thought, after reading the above, I've decided that maybe that isn't the most romantic thing ever. I mean if thedude doesn't know that I am the one right off the bat and doesn't have the balls to march right up to me right then and there, then maybe he is retarded and weird.
I know, I intimidate dudes with my good looks and boyish sense of humor. I mean come on, I'm like the full package and clearly men can sense that from a distance or maybe they are confused with how I act. Perhaps, I will start pulling guys hair to give them a sign that I am interested, you think that will do the trick without being too forward? haha.
I crack myself up.
Just for the record, I have gotten a missed connection once or twice and I didn't even write it myself, someone else did, not even lying.
*Compliments of my mom
"by the way.....a glory hole is where you stick your dick through a hole in the wall and get an anonymous blowjob.....usually available in a pawn shop.....especially in Vegas...Correction Porn shop, not Pawn, although you might be able to get them there too.
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