According to Google this is what Unique is:
- 1.being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else."the situation was unique in modern politics"
synonyms: distinctive, distinct, individual, special, idiosyncratic; More
a unique person or thing.
According to the Urban Dictionary it is:
1. | unique | |||
Unique isn’t just a word that teachers tell their “special”
students they are, its means being different in usually a
good a way, unlike the rest of the common world.
It is when everyone wears white and one person wears purple.
Someone’s unique way of talking. I hate how most people
define this world like, Mr. Rodgers is trying to comfort you.
Being unique is a good thing, most of the time anyway.
Her feather hat was unique.
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2. | Unique | |||
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I can't figure out how to move what's down there, up here. aaaaahhhhhhh, help me, I'm blonde
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3. | unique | |||
Something very hard to find these days...
Why can`t people just keep it real!?
Who cares if someone wears stuff that isn`t in style.
Is it just me, or is EVERY girl`s favorite color: pink??
People do/wear/what you like. Not because everyone else does/wears it. BE YOU.
FOLLOWER: " omg i should buy that, its IN STYLE!
UNIQUE: " WHY?!:S its fucking ugly FOLLOWER: But if I don't, I'll be a total lozer!! BESIDES EVERYONE ELSE HAS IT! UNIQUE: " *bitchslaps* YOUR SUCH A FOLLOWER. BE YUU, BITCH!:@
So what is the conclusion here today?
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